Fredericksburg Area Legal Directory
The Fredericksburg Area Legal Directory is estimated to be ready for distribution in the fall of 2024. The directory may be purchased by those who work in and with the legal community. It is not available to the general public.
You can send any suggestions for information you would like to see in the new directory to
Legal Research Services, PLLC is a fictitious name under Pantazis Law Office, PLLC.
Information for Fredericksburg Area Legal Directory
Use this form to update your law office's information in the Fredericksburg Area Legal Directory. Information provided on this form will be added to your contact information in the directory. If you do not want information included, leave the field blank. You may include multiple attorneys on one submission.
Download Information Form
Select below to download the directory information form in Microsoft Word to update your law office's information. Email the form to or fax to (540) 766-5656.